Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Guardian Angel Two

One cold November night ( actually it was more like 1:00 a.m. ), eleven years ago, I was on my way home from work. I had to cross railroad tracks to get to my house. When I got to the drive way there was a train sitting on the tracks. This wasn't too unusual and they didn't usually stay for very long. However, this time there happened to be a second train coming on the second set of tracks. I had turned the motor off, but after awhile it got pretty chilly, so I turned it back on and as I did, I heard a tapping sound. Wondering where it had come from, I turned my head toward the window, to be faced by a gun. The person holding the gun was totally covered in black, including his face. My doors were locked and he was tapping on the window, pointing to the lock. I knew he was telling me to unlock my door, which I was not about to do. Since I already had the car running, I just threw it into reverse and started backing up. He shot at my door and then ran behind me and I couldn't see where he had gone. I backed onto the highway and headed the car towards town. I spotted a car in the driveway across the highway, with its headlights on and I could see there was a person behind the steering wheel. As I drove past it, the person that had been at my car, ran into the street in front of me and shot at the front of my car, then ran back to the other car. I floorboarded my car and headed for town as fast as I could, crying all the way. I was sure they were going to follow me, and though I didn't see lights behind me, I just knew they were there someplace. I had turned my lights off, so they couldn't see where I was. I reached town and took every turn I could think of, hoping to lose them, if they were there, and I headed for my daughter, Janet's apt. She and her husband had gotten off work the same time I did, so I knew they would still be up. By the time I reached there, I didn't see any signs of another car, so I pulled into the alley and parked next to Janet's car. Crying and shaking like a leaf, I yelled for her and rang their doorbell continuosly, until she opened the door. I explained to them what had happened and my son-in-law went down to look at the car. Sure enough, there were two bullet in the driver's side door, which probably should have hit me in the leg, at least, and the other in the hood of the car, which should have me me about in the stomach. Both bullets had been stopped by a small piece of metal. Coincidence? Maybe one bullet could have been stopped, but not two. I believe my guardian angel was there with me.

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